Patient service

Our ADHD service

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental condition affecting children and young people. It can significantly impact their ability to focus, control impulses, and regulate activity levels. Waiting lists for a diagnosis are very long across the country, with very high and growing demand, leaving many families stuck in limbo. Our service is an innovative partnership between Hertfordshire Partnership University Foundation NHS Trust (HPFT) and HertsOne aimed at reducing waiting and providing ongoing support to hundreds of children young people and their families.

The service model

The model has two complimentary components, a close partnership between a Specialist Mental Health Trust and a GP Federation:

1. Diagnosis and medication initiation and stabilisation – HPFT

A core clinical team of specialist ADHD clinicians, including psychiatrists, GPs with a special interest and nurse prescribers who diagnose, prescribe and stabilise medication for those service users whose needs are primarily met by medications.

2. Enhanced Primary Care Monitoring Service - HertsOne

A core clinical team of GPs with a Special Interest in ADHD, ADHD Nurses and pharmacy prescribers, with care co-ordinators overseeing the case load.  This team monitors ADHD medication and also regularly monitor and respond to service users’ physical, mental and psycho social needs.  This service also supports the service users’ own GPs.

During these reviews, the team:

The service is not just about medication management. We offer a supportive environment where families can seek advice and reassurance. If any issues arise that require specialised intervention, we promptly refer the child back to psychiatric services to ensure they receive the appropriate level of care.

The benefits of the service

Where else can I get support for ADHD?
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A blue download icon.
A blue download icon.