Our Specialist Leg Ulcer Nurses provide care within Leg Ulcer Clinics across the locality and patients must be able to attend clinics to access care. We work in partnership with Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH) who are the NHS community service provider for South and West Hertfordshire. The service is by appointment and a referral is made by GP practices to CLCH to be assessed and triaged before being passed on to our team.
The aim of the service is to manage the care of patients with new and existing leg ulceration who would benefit from compression therapy. Ongoing compression therapy is delivered in 12 weekly cycles with reassessment every 12 weeks. It is our aim to heal the wound as quickly as possible, but we provide on-going treatment until the patient is healed.
We also provide educational advice to support patients in the management of their skin and provide support for aftercare and prevention of re-occurrence. In addition, we deliver education on wound management and pressure ulcer prevention to reduce the number of people developing serious leg ulcers.